Encouraging conception with acupuncture
Struggling to conceive can be a very difficult time both emotionally and physically and acupuncture is a powerful means of relieving tensions and calming the spirit. Research shows that stress severely depletes the body’s ability to conceive and acupuncture is an effective means of combating this.
Acupuncture can be employed to bring the body’s energies back into balance which sometimes is all that is needed for a successful natural conception. If there is a known cause for your infertility this can be addressed, but where acupuncture often excels is when there is no Western medical
diagnosis. Where possible, please bring copies of findings from any medical investigations to your first appointment.
In cases of assisted conception, such as IVF, acupuncture can be used to support you through the process. There are many high-quality research studies that show acupuncture improves the success and live birth rates of IVF. Acupuncture can treat both male and female fertility issues. It is preferable but not compulsory, on seeing a new patient for the first time, to have a consultation with both partners.